Schema-Manager ============== A Schema Manager instance helps you with the abstraction of the generation of SQL assets such as Tables, Sequences, Foreign Keys and Indexes. To retrieve the ``SchemaManager`` for your connection you can use the ``getSchemaManager()`` method: .. code-block:: php getSchemaManager(); Now with the ``SchemaManager`` instance in ``$sm`` you can use the available methods to learn about your database schema: .. note:: Parameters containing identifiers passed to the SchemaManager methods are *NOT* quoted automatically! Identifier quoting is really difficult to do manually in a consistent way across different databases. You have to manually quote the identifiers when you accept data from user- or other sources not under your control. listDatabases() --------------- Retrieve an array of databases on the configured connection: .. code-block:: php listDatabases(); listSequences() ------------------------------- Retrieve an array of ``Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Sequence`` instances that exist for a database: .. code-block:: php listSequences(); Or if you want to manually specify a database name: .. code-block:: php listSequences('dbname'); Now you can loop over the array inspecting each sequence object: .. code-block:: php getName() . "\n"; } listTableColumns() ---------------------------- Retrieve an array of ``Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Column`` instances that exist for the given table: .. code-block:: php listTableColumns('user'); Now you can loop over the array inspecting each column object: .. code-block:: php getName() . ': ' . $column->getType() . "\n"; } listTableDetails() ---------------------------- Retrieve a single ``Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Table`` instance that encapsulates all the details of the given table: .. code-block:: php listTableDetails('user'); Now you can call methods on the table to manipulate the in memory schema for that table. For example we can add a new column: .. code-block:: php addColumn('email_address', 'string'); listTableForeignKeys() -------------------------------- Retrieve an array of ``Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\ForeignKeyConstraint`` instances that exist for the given table: .. code-block:: php listTableForeignKeys('user'); Now you can loop over the array inspecting each foreign key object: .. code-block:: php getName() . ': ' . $foreignKey->getLocalTableName() ."\n"; } listTableIndexes() ---------------------------- Retrieve an array of ``Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Index`` instances that exist for the given table: .. code-block:: php listTableIndexes('user'); Now you can loop over the array inspecting each index object: .. code-block:: php getName() . ': ' . ($index->isUnique() ? 'unique' : 'not unique') . "\n"; } listTables() ------------ Retrieve an array of ``Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Table`` instances that exist in the connections database: .. code-block:: php listTables(); Each ``Doctrine\DBAl\Schema\Table`` instance is populated with information provided by all the above methods. So it encapsulates an array of ``Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Column`` instances that can be retrieved with the ``getColumns()`` method: .. code-block:: php getName() . " columns:\n\n"; foreach ($table->getColumns() as $column) { echo ' - ' . $column->getName() . "\n"; } } listViews() ----------- Retrieve an array of ``Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\View`` instances that exist in the connections database: .. code-block:: php listViews(); Now you can loop over the array inspecting each view object: .. code-block:: php getName() . ': ' . $view->getSql() . "\n"; } createSchema() -------------- For a complete representation of the current database you can use the ``createSchema()`` method which returns an instance of ``Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Schema``, which you can use in conjunction with the SchemaTool or Schema Comparator. .. code-block:: php createSchema(); Now we can clone the ``$fromSchema`` to ``$toSchema`` and drop a table: .. code-block:: php dropTable('user'); Now we can compare the two schema instances in order to calculate the differences between them and return the SQL required to make the changes on the database: .. code-block:: php getMigrateToSql($toSchema, $conn->getDatabasePlatform()); The ``$sql`` array should give you a SQL query to drop the user table: .. code-block:: php 'DROP TABLE user' ) */